Religious Education

Religious Education in a Catholic school has two distinct yet complementary dimensions:


Teaching people religion
Teaching people to be religious
The first dimension is focused on the educational activity of teaching and learning about religion and utilises a range of learning processes and resources.
The Religious Curriculum P-12 describes the core content that is to be taught and that students should learn and is therefore the starting point for planning for teaching, learning and assessing Religion in our school. It has a time allocation of 2.5 hours per week.
The four strands of the Religion curriculum are: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian life and are interrelated and their content is taught in an integrated way. We also acknowledge that the ethos of the school as Catholic, permeates all curriculum planning.
The second dimension is a faith development activity focused on nurturing the religious, spiritual and faith growth of students. We celebrate significant days within the Church year; find ways to support those who are less fortunate and pray together. Within our Siena community we recognize that parents are the first educators in faith and that the Parish and local community also nourish and support the development of faith of students.
The school is within the Stella Maris Parish, Maroochydore. The Parish Priest and his Associates maintain a close connection to the school community by presiding  over liturgies and visiting classrooms. Preparation to receive the sacraments is conducted through the Parish at a variety of times throughout the year.
Siena Catholic Primary School seeks to fulfill the goals of the Archdiocesan statement – That They May Have Life and the school ‘seeks to foster ‘in each child:
• A growth in relationship with God
• A knowledge and understanding of God as revealed by Jesus
• An understanding of our Catholic tradition and his/her participation in the life of the Church community.
• Participation and transformation in society in the light of the gospel and Catholic tradition.